How AI Data Processing is Redefining large-scale Industries

December 14, 2023

The industrial inspection landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The integration of AI data processing in industrial inspection has streamlined operations and improved efficiency. This article delves into the crux of data, data processing, and the role of AI in revolutionizing industrial inspection.

Table of Contents

What is Data?

Data is the raw, unprocessed facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis. It can be anything that is recorded and can be used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation. Data can be collected through various means, such as surveys, observations, experiments, sensors, and even digital footprints left by online activities. It is the foundation of all decision-making processes, from simple everyday choices to complex corporate strategies.

ai data processing with robots
Data in the form of values of different measuring instruments and inspection points is critical for smooth industrial operation

Difference between data and data point

Data is a collection of facts, statistics, or information that are represented in various forms. These can be numbers, words, measurements, observations, or even just descriptions of things. A data point, on the other hand, is an individual piece of information. It's a single fact or statistic that, when combined with other data points, forms a larger set of data.

For example, let's consider a survey conducted on a group of people to determine their favorite fruit. Each individual's response - apple, banana, grapes, orange - is a data point. When all these responses are collated, they form the data set.

Types of Data

Data can be categorized into various types. The most common classifications are qualitative and quantitative data.

Qualitative Data 

Qualitative data refers to non-numerical information that is collected through methods such as observations, interviews, and surveys. This type of data is often descriptive and interpretive. It provides insights into people's behaviors, feelings, emotions, and interactions.

For instance, a focus group discussion about a new product, an interview about customer satisfaction, or field notes from an observational study are all examples of qualitative data. This type of data is generally more subjective and can provide deeper insights into the 'why' behind the numbers.

Quantitative Data 

On the other hand, quantitative data is numerical data that can be measured or quantified. It provides information about quantities, amounts, or ranges. It's typically collected through structured research methods like surveys, polls, or questionnaires.

For example, the number of customers who visit a store each day, the percentage of people who prefer a particular brand, or the average amount of time a user spends on a website are all examples of quantitative data. This type of data can be analyzed using statistical methods to draw conclusions and make predictions.

Transforming Data to Insights

Data processing is the key to transforming raw data into meaningful insights. It involves the collection, manipulation, and analysis of data to extract information useful for decision-making.

Businesses use data processing to understand their markets, evaluate their operations, and predict future trends. For instance, retailers might analyze sales data to identify best-selling products, manufacturers might use production data to improve efficiency, and marketers might study consumer behavior data to create targeted campaigns.

ai insight in control room
Data transformed into actionable insights and delivered to operators in a timely manner eliminates unplanned downtime.

Stages of Data Processing

Data processing involves several stages, each of which plays a critical role in transforming raw data into useful information. The stages include data collection, data preparation, input data, data processing, data output, and data storage.

Data Collection

Data collection is the first stage of data processing. It involves gathering data from various sources such as sales and procurement data, big data for supply chain management, data from ERP systems, financial data, sensor data for monitoring systems and machines, and many more. The collected data can be both qualitative and quantitative, depending on the needs of the organization.

Data Preparation

Once the data is collected, it needs to be prepared for processing. This stage involves cleaning the data by removing errors, inconsistencies, and duplicates. It also includes transforming the data into a suitable format for processing.

Input Data

The input data stage involves entering the prepared data into a data processing system. This can be done manually or automatically, depending on the volume of data and the capabilities of the system.

Data Processing

During the data processing stage, the input data is analyzed and manipulated to extract meaningful information. This can involve sorting the data, performing calculations, applying statistical analyses, or using machine learning algorithms.

Data Output

The data output stage involves presenting the processed data in a user-friendly format. This could be in the form of tables, graphs, reports, or visualizations.

Data Storage

Finally, the processed data is stored for future use. This could be in a database, a data warehouse, or a cloud-based storage system.

Types of Data Processing

There are several types of data processing, including batch processing, distributed processing, real-time processing, and parallel processing.

Batch Processing

Batch processing involves processing large volumes of data at once, often during off-peak hours. This type of processing is typically used for tasks that don't require immediate results, such as updating a database or generating reports.

Distributed Processing

Distributed processing involves distributing the data processing tasks across multiple computers or servers. This type of processing is typically used for complex tasks that require significant computational resources.

Real-time Processing

Real-time processing involves processing data immediately as it is received. This type of processing is typically used for tasks that require instant results, such as fraud detection or stock trading.

Parallel Processing

Parallel processing involves processing multiple tasks simultaneously. This type of processing is typically used for tasks that can be broken down into smaller, independent tasks that can be executed concurrently.

In conclusion, data processing is a complex yet essential process that enables businesses to transform raw data into actionable insights. By understanding the different stages and types of data processing, organizations can effectively leverage their data to drive decision-making and strategic planning. 

Role of AI in Data Processing

AI plays an essential role in data processing. In today's digital age, where data is generated at an unprecedented rate, the need for efficient data processing techniques has become more critical than ever. 

It automates the data processing workflow, making it faster, more accurate, and more efficient. AI algorithms and machine learning can handle large volumes of data, making sense of complex patterns that humans might not see. This ability to process, analyze, and interpret large amounts of data quickly and accurately makes AI a valuable tool in many industries, including industrial inspection.

examples of ai dataprocessing
AI Skills convert raw data into actionable insights

Data Extraction

Data extraction is the first step in AI data processing. This involves pulling data from various sources such as databases, files, images, and online resources. Traditionally, data extraction was a labor-intensive and time-consuming process requiring manual intervention. However, with the advent of AI, this process has been significantly streamlined.

AI can automate the data extraction process, making it faster and more efficient. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to recognize and extract relevant data from a variety of sources. For instance, AI can be used to extract text from images or scanned documents, a process known as Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This not only saves time but also minimizes the likelihood of errors that can occur with manual data extraction.

Natural Language Processing (NLP), a subset of AI, can understand and extract meaningful information from this type of data. This enhances the scope of data extraction, allowing businesses to glean insights from diverse data sources.

Data Classification

After data extraction, the next step in AI data processing is data classification. This involves organizing the extracted data into meaningful categories. Data classification is crucial as it aids in data analysis, helping businesses make informed decisions.

AI plays a significant role in data classification. Machine learning algorithms can automatically classify data based on predefined criteria. For example, AI can classify customer feedback into positive, negative, and neutral categories, aiding sentiment analysis.

AI can also handle complex classification tasks. For instance, deep learning, a more advanced form of AI, can classify images based on their content. This is widely used in fields like healthcare, where AI is used to classify medical images for disease diagnosis.

Data Preprocessing

Data preprocessing is a crucial stage in AI data processing. It involves cleaning and transforming raw data to prepare it for analysis. Data preprocessing can include tasks such as handling missing values, removing outliers, and normalizing data.

AI can automate and enhance the data preprocessing stage. Machine learning algorithms can identify and handle missing values, either by removing them or replacing them with appropriate substitutes. They can also detect and manage outliers, which are data points that significantly differ from others.

AI can also handle data normalization, a process that involves adjusting the values in the dataset to a common scale. This is essential for many machine learning algorithms as it ensures that all data is treated equally during the analysis.

Data Transformation

Data transformation is another critical stage in AI data processing. This involves converting the preprocessed data into a format suitable for analysis. Data transformation can include tasks such as feature extraction, where relevant characteristics are derived from the data, and feature encoding, where categorical data is converted into a numerical format.

AI is well-equipped to handle data transformation. Machine learning algorithms can automatically extract and select features, ensuring that only relevant data is used for analysis. They can also handle feature encoding, converting categorical data into a format that can be understood by the machine learning model.

Process Automation

One of the main benefits of AI in data processing is process automation. AI can automate the entire data processing pipeline, from data extraction to transformation. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in the data processing tasks.

Automation also reduces the likelihood of errors that can occur with manual data processing. By automating the data processing tasks, businesses can ensure that the data is processed accurately and consistently, leading to more reliable results.

Intelligent Decision Support

AI data processing also aids in intelligent decision support. By processing and analyzing large volumes of data, AI can provide valuable insights that can aid decision-making. Machine learning algorithms can identify patterns and trends in the data, providing businesses with actionable insights.

AI can also provide predictive insights, forecasting future trends based on historical data. This can aid in strategic planning, helping businesses anticipate future challenges and opportunities.

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection is another area where AI excels in data processing. Anomalies are data points that deviate significantly from the norm. Detecting these anomalies is crucial as they can indicate issues such as fraud or system failures.

AI, particularly machine learning, is highly effective at anomaly detection. Machine learning algorithms can learn the normal patterns in the data and detect deviations from these patterns. This can help businesses identify and address issues early, preventing potential losses.

In conclusion, AI plays a crucial role in data processing. From data extraction to anomaly detection, AI enhances and automates data processing tasks, leading to more efficient and reliable results. As the volume and complexity of data continue to grow, the role of AI in data processing is set to become even more critical.

Use Cases for AI Data Processing in Capital-Intensive Industries

AI data processing in industries has become a core factor in driving business efficiency, optimizing operations, and enhancing decision-making processes. As industries continue to embrace the digital revolution, the application of AI in data processing is increasingly becoming the norm rather than the exception. Let's explore how various sectors are leveraging AI data processing in their operations.

Oil and Gas Industry

In the oil and gas industry, AI data processing is equally transformative. Companies are using AI to process geological and geophysical data, aiding in the exploration and extraction of oil and gas reserves. By analyzing seismic data, AI can identify potential oil and gas reserves, reducing the risks and costs associated with exploration. Additionally, AI can help optimize extraction processes, ensuring maximum yield and minimal environmental impact. Additionally, AI is used in predictive maintenance, helping companies anticipate equipment failures and schedule maintenance activities.

Furthermore, predictive maintenance powered by AI data processing can significantly reduce downtime and maintenance costs. By analyzing operational data, AI can predict equipment failures, allowing companies to schedule maintenance activities proactively, thus avoiding costly disruptions.


In the transportation industry, AI data processing is driving significant changes. Companies are using AI to process traffic data, optimize routes, predict maintenance needs, and enhance safety. AI is used in areas such as route optimization, predictive maintenance, traffic management, and autonomous vehicles.

AI data processing can optimize routes by analyzing traffic data, weather conditions, and other relevant factors. This capability not only reduces travel time but also improves fuel efficiency. In predictive maintenance, AI can analyze vehicle data, predict maintenance needs, and prevent breakdowns.

In traffic management, AI can analyze traffic patterns, optimize traffic flow, and reduce congestion. Lastly, in autonomous vehicles, AI processes various data, including sensor data, to navigate and operate the vehicle safely and efficiently.

Power and Utilities

In the power and utilities sector, AI data processing is enhancing operational efficiency and reliability. Companies are using AI to process operational data, predict demand, optimize generation, and manage the grid. AI is used in areas such as demand forecasting, generation optimization, grid management, and predictive maintenance.

In demand forecasting, AI can analyze consumption data, predicting future demand and enabling efficient generation planning. In generation optimization, AI can analyze operational data, optimizing generation processes to maximize output and efficiency. In grid management, AI can analyze grid data, managing the grid effectively to ensure a reliable power supply.

Moreover, in predictive maintenance, AI can analyze equipment data, predict maintenance needs, and prevent breakdowns. This capability not only reduces downtime but also extends the lifespan of equipment.

AI Data Processing in Industrial Inspection

The role of AI in industrial inspection is rapidly expanding, driven by the need for increased efficiency, accuracy, and safety in manufacturing processes. AI is being harnessed to automate and enhance inspection tasks that were traditionally performed manually, often with a high degree of error and time consumption. The integration of AI in industrial inspection systems has not only improved the speed and accuracy of defect detection but also significantly reduced the cost of quality assurance.

AI data processing in industrial inspection is a critical component of this transformation. By integrating AI algorithms and Machine Learning techniques, large volumes of inspection data can be swiftly processed and analyzed, enabling real-time decision-making. For instance, AI can quickly identify defects in products on a production line using image recognition technology, thereby preventing defective products from reaching the market.

Moreover, AI data processing in industrial inspection allows for predictive maintenance, a proactive approach that predicts failures before they occur. This is achieved by continuously monitoring and analyzing data from equipment sensors to identify patterns and trends that may indicate impending failures. Such predictive capabilities not only minimize downtime but also extend the lifespan of machinery.

In addition, AI can drive improvements in worker safety by automating hazardous inspection tasks. For example, drones equipped with AI can inspect hard-to-reach or dangerous areas, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

The role of AI in industrial inspection is multi-faceted and transformative. It offers a lot of benefits ranging from enhanced efficiency and accuracy to improved safety and cost-effectiveness. As AI technology continues to evolve, its application in industrial inspection is set to become more prevalent, providing a competitive edge to industries that adopt it.

gauge reading with robot and ai
AI-powered analog gauge reading through the Energy Robotics Platform

Technologies Powering AI Data Processing in Industrial Inspection

Various technologies power AI data processing in industrial inspection. These include machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics. Machine learning and deep learning enable AI systems to learn from data and improve over time. Computer vision allows AI systems to visually inspect products and detect defects. Natural language processing enables AI systems to understand and generate human language, facilitating human-machine interaction. Robotics enables the automation of physical inspection tasks.

Energy Robotics Solution for Automated Inspections and AI Data Processing

One company that provides a hardware-agnostic solution for managing robots and drones for collecting inspection data automatically and transforming them into valuable insights is Energy Robotics. The company provides an end-to-end solution for autonomous inspections. The automated inspection rounds are executed by robots and drones which collect the necessary data using a suite of high-end sensors such as RGB and thermal cameras, audio sensors, etc.  One single inspection round can include more than 500 inspection points whose data is processed and analyzed in real-time.

While collecting data, robots can capture the best viewing position and angle of a point of interest (POI), even when there is a slight drift in the robot's position or if the POI has moved slightly, through the visual servoing feature that runs on the robot. A single autonomous mission can include more than 500 inspection points whose data is processed and analyzed in the cloud in real-time. 

For instance, when reading analog gauges, robots and drones capture high-quality images which are then processed on the cloud to precisely detect needle positions and record accurate readings. The operator also receives an alarm from the Energy Robotics Platform if the reading is above or below a predefined threshold value.

While it's true that covering all corner cases is not feasible, Energy Robotics continually updates its AI models with more corner case data. This ongoing process, coupled with the commitment to incorporating the latest cutting-edge research, ensures that the AI software constantly improves its ability to handle a wide range of scenarios. The approach is not just about collecting data; it's about transforming it into actionable information through the power of machine vision and AI, even in the most challenging circumstances. 

webinar ai data processing

AI Data Processing with Energy Robotics’ Cloud Brain

Energy Robotics utilizes cutting-edge AI models and computer vision techniques to transform raw data into actionable insights effectively. As mentioned, the robots are equipped with advanced capabilities, enabling them to perform tasks like reading analog gauges, detecting human presence and postures, and identifying a broad spectrum of common industrial items, such as fire extinguishers, rotary valves, handle valves, and switches, among others. Moreover, they are adept at recognizing and reporting critical information such as defects in perimeter fences.

In addition to visual data, the system is designed to process other modalities, including audio signals and thermal imaging, providing a comprehensive understanding of the environment. This integrated approach is crucial for nuanced and efficient monitoring and maintenance in industrial settings. It not only ensures enhanced safety but also optimizes operational efficiency. 

Conclusion: Redefining the Future with AI Data Processing

In light of the transformative potential of AI data processing, we are witnessing a paradigm shift in large-scale industries. The capabilities of AI are not only enhancing accuracy and efficiency but also driving the emergence of smart factories and predictive maintenance. The overwhelming advantages of AI data processing assertively overshadow the challenges. As the evolution of AI technologies accelerates, their role in the industrial sector is projected to become even more critical, thereby sculpting the future landscape of the industry. This technological advancement underscores our position as a future-focused, expertise-driven authority in the realm of robotic technology.

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Vladimir Margolin
Vice President Global Sales